True Measure Unveils New Wealth Management Website
True Measure Unveils New Wealth Management Website Noticed some changes on our website? The team at True Measure is excited to unveil our all-new website at Our wealth management site offers a fresh, clean new look, increased user-friendliness, and...
3 Reasons Investors Should Stop Watching Financial News
3 Reasons Investors Should Stop Watching Financial News Do you watch the financial news? I have had friends, colleagues, and even clients who spent hours a day tuning in to CNBC or Fox News to try to gain information that would help them with their investment...
The Fee-Only Advisor Model
The Fee-Only Advisor Model: What It Is and Why Your Advisor Should Be Using It Do you know what you pay your financial advisor for every transaction you make? Does this affect your level of trust in them? Do you ever get the feeling you are being ‘sold to’ instead of...
Know Thyself
The Best Financial Advice I’ve Ever Given: Know Thyself As a financial advisor, I get asked a lot about the best piece of advice I could give someone to help them succeed financially. I think most people who ask this question are expecting a great stock tip or that...
Money Isn’t Everything…But It Can Sure Help
I’m sure you’ve heard the old truism ‘money isn’t everything’, right? The truth of the matter is, money can add a lot to our lives. Is it a replacement for love or happiness? Of course not. But I can guarantee you that it’s easier to reach for your dreams and enjoy...
The Futile Practice of Worrying
One of the mottos I live my life by is that optimism is the only realism. I am, by nature, an optimist, which has created quite a few interesting scenarios in a field that seems to be dominated by pessimists. Many financial planners seem to think that projecting...
Always Look At Your Advisor’s Bookshelf (and Other Non-traditional Advice For Choosing A Financial Caregiver)
Choosing a financial advisor should not be a decision anyone takes lightly. Whether you are just beginning your life as an adult and or you’re deep into your earning years and want to make sure you’re properly setting yourself up for retirement, partnering with the...
Diversify in Happiness
“I also believe in investing in experiences and diversifying your happiness throughout your lifetime.”
Back to School: Not an Event but an Attitude
“Charlie Munger said “I’m 92 years old and I’m still eliminating ignorance everyday.” If a man of his stature is still eliminating ignorance everyday than I think the average person could find some sort of ignorance to replace with knowledge and wisdom everyday as well.”
Why Hobbies in Retirement Should be Part of Your Financial Plan
“You’ve been preparing for retirement the majority of your life. Planning for your goals and dreams and longing for the day where you can experience the joys of life without a job or business to worry about”

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