Do You Have Money Shame? Here’s How to Work Through It
Through my decades in the financial planning business, I have worked with many individuals and couples who have negative perspectives regarding their finances. One of the most damaging is having a shameful attitude about money. This can appear in a number of different...
How Over-Responsibility May Be Negatively Impacting Your Life
There’s certainly nothing wrong with being responsible in both your personal and professional lives. In fact, taking appropriate responsibility can help you with everything from preventing a midlife crisis to managing your finances in a way that will lead to a...
Money Management for Couples: Do I Share Details of My Estate Plan?
The topic of money is usually a loaded one for couple clients I work with. Sometimes, money issues just cause minor disagreements, while other times, they can build up into huge communication barriers and even lead to divorce. When I work with my couple clients, I...
Money Management for Couples: How to Discuss Money without Fighting
Almost everyone knows that money and finance issues is one of the most common causes of divorce in our country. Because finances are such a minefield for many couples, they often avoid talking about it and just hope that everything will work out. As the divorce...
Money Management for Couples: Taking Responsibility
As an advice-based financial planner, I know how important money is in a relationship. With the right communication and proper planning, money can be a source of entertainment and security and can lead to a happy and successful retirement. However, it can also be a...
Money Management for Couples: Spending Discretion
How to manage money can often be a huge issue between couples. In my experience, difference in personalities, attitudes about spending, and gaps in communication can often lead to huge rifts between a couple that can eventually lead to divorce. This is one of the...
How Investors Can Align Their Values with Their Financial Planning
How much do your values play into your life? While there are some people who live out their values every day, there are just as many who don’t even know what their values are, let alone how they affect their decisions. One of the things I often find with my clients is...
How Investors Can Determine Their Risk Tolerance
How much risk are you comfortable with when it comes to your investments? If this is a question you’ve never contemplated before (or if you have never come to a satisfying conclusion), now is the time to identify what we in the industry call ‘risk tolerance’. If you...
How Investors Can Prepare for a Market Correction
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could count on the market to continue its upward trend for the foreseeable future? I know it would certainly make my job as an advice-based planner a lot easier (and more fun!). However, as I previously talked about in my blog on lifeboat...
4 Healthy Habits of the Wealthy
When you think of people with ‘wealth’, what are the first things that come to mind? A big house, lots of cars in the garage, and exotic vacations? Do you think of those with wealth as sending their kids to ivy league colleges, investing in huge chunks of property,...

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