The meaning of success has morphed and developed from generation to generation. The baby boomer generation based success on the quote on quote “American Dream” but now it seems that millennials especially are starting to recreate what the American Dream means. Our parent’s version of the American Dream was having the nice house, a successful career, getting children into college and making enough money to not worry about what their parents went through during the Great Depression.
With our generation, I see a new movement. The new movement for the American Dream entails creating a holistic sense of success. Whether or not that is because we are learning to take care of ourselves better or millennials define success in a more holistic manner. In some ways we are asking for more than our parents’ generation which makes sense, they were asking more than their parents’ generation as well. It’s called human development. We seek success not only financially but also creating a healthy lifestyle that is experience-driven. This is harder to do I believe than it is to talk about. But if we work in the following four areas I believe it is really possible to find our best self and answer the question of how do I become rich.
1. Physically
Eating healthier and avoiding our cravings is not easy and will most likely cost more. Creating a regular exercise routine is enriching not just for our body but our mind as well and the same could be said about eating healthy. Be physically and mentally fit to have the energy to conquer what you want to in life.
2. Spiritually
I know this is going to look different for many people in today’s world. There are many different opinions on what spirituality is but I just want to challenge you to think bigger than yourself. Find a routine of prayer or reflection that helps you understand the interconnection of each other and the world we live in. We are all equals who are composed of spirit and body. I try to pray for 10 minutes every day which includes what I am thankful for, to recognizing my faults and mistakes of the day.
3. Emotionally
How are your relationships? Do you genuinely give to others without accepting anything in return? Do you give expecting nothing thereof? Are you putting others’ needs before your own and working to strengthen your relationships with your spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, children, boss, coworkers, parents, friends, and siblings. These are all important relationships that take energy and should not be out of balance. Selfishness, greed, and pride all get in the way of our relationships. Gratitude, love, and selflessness all act to foster our relationships and strengthen them. Having solid relationships will help you to become successful because we need each other to reach our dreams.
4. Intellectual
Are you exercising your idea muscle? Are you a constant learner? What do you feed your brain? If we are not growing intellectually how are we going to grow successful? Read books that make you think and challenge you. Listen to podcasts and watch videos that teach you something new and help you grow your knowledge of whatever you want to become better at. From eating healthier, growing spiritually and creating successful relationships you need to be growing intellectually.
As you can tell all four of these are intertwined. If you are not physically healthy will you have the energy to invest in your relationships? If you don’t recognize the spirits of others will you be able to help them connect? Are you surrounding yourself with others that challenge you intellectually or do they suck all your knowledge out?
Financial planning entails all of these as well. If you are not growing in these four I would bet that your finances are also struggling. Having a balanced and growing life will influence everything in your life and your finances are intertwined in everything you do. Do you use your gym membership? Are you eating out at McDonald’s too much? Do you give to others financially or do you have a scarcity mindset that limits you? Do you invest in knowledge in yourself? Let’s talk about where your money goes because where you spend your money is where your heart is. Where is your money being spent?
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Steven LaFleur grew up in Rapid City, SD and after high school went to college at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he majored in finance and met his wife Kelly. After college graduation in 2013 working for the family business for three years, Steven decided it was time to pursue a passion of his in helping people and their finances. Steven is now a financial advisor at True Measure Wealth Management in Omaha, NE. Steven and his wife Kelly have two daughters who keep them busy at all times of the day. Steven enjoys skiing in the mountains and also biking and golfing during the non-snowy months.